Monday, 14 April 2014

AIIMS MAY 2013 Questions with Answers


2)16 yr female with normal pubic hair and breast c/o primary amennorrhea-mullarian dysgenesis 

3)Retts syn nt seen is macrocepaly 

4)A chalazion also known as a meibomian gland lipogranuloma, 

5)The floor (inferior wall) is formed by except - ethmoid 

6)pco2-30,po2-115, has compensated-a.resp alkalosis 

7)Rho kinase inhibitor-fausidil 

8)test to differentiate maternal and fetal rbc-ans. apt test 

9)Oedema in ct absent in which stage of Neurocysticercosis? Calcified nodular stage 

10)gallow traction.....for frac shaft femur 

11)orphan drug is?? drug for rare diseases 

12)Maximum tolerated dose of a new drug is evaluated in: PHASE 1 

13)75yr diabetic with granulation tissue at external auditory canal- malignant otitis externa 

14)rapid growing atypical org not involved in lung infection ans:m.kansasii 

15)iodine is nt gvn in...ans ws hyperthyroidsm 

16)unconscious man lying in rt. lat. position with injury to face,hand,lat.aspect of rt. knee. 
most common cause for this clinical presentation? - common peroneal n 

17)if confidence limit is increased-previously insignificant data becomes significant 

18)no.of vision centres under npcb ans.20000 

19)pleural tap pierces all except pulmonary pleura 

20)legionella pneumophila-air conditioners 

21)difference between seizure n syncope-urine incontinence 

22)girl with primary amenorrhea,wide spaced pages - turner's 45XO 

23)prolonged post antibiotic effect and time dependent killing seen in penicillin. 

24)Meningocele ans is n.saline 

25)gertsmann syndrome 

26)signature fracture?ans depressed fracture 

27)pyogenic meningitis 

28)GU tb 

29)protein c - recurrent abortions plus leg pain deficient is 

30)not a major criteria in acute rheumatic fever-a.polyarthralgia 

31)child wid abdominal mass..wid right hand n leg longer - Wilm's tumour 

32)complete cartilage-cricoid 

33)vaginal epithelium- endoderm of urogenital sinus 

34)apoptosis not-inflammation 

35)hypertensive pt headache vomiting neck rigidity- SAH 

36)stain for fungal hyphae?KOH 

37)Mucormycosis Rx Amphotericin B 

38)fics law options-passive osmosis along conc gradient only 

39)mother 6 wk pregnancy....surest test-fhs by doppler 

40)A patient had seizure after injection of sulfonamide. Dx is-AIP Acute intermittent 

41)Adenolymphoma for tc scan hotspot 

42)ENT old guy with 3m h/o hearing loss with intact tympanum with fluid behind TM 
further mang 
ans----> investigate for nasopharyngeal CA 

43)true about celiac block ?ans----> M/C s/e is diarrhoea and hypotension 

44) loss of lacrimation occurs due to injury to: greater petrosal nerve 

45)elevation at site of prostatic utricle is formed due to:glands 

46)IV anaesthetic C/I in epileptics ---> ketamine 

47)in RTA pCo2 drops bcoz1 respiratory centre affected2resp apparatus affected3 both(A) 

48)Damage control surgery Ans minimum intervention to stabilize and can be operated latee 

49)not true of conjunctivitis...2)corneal infiltrn present 

50)pda not true?co2 wash out 

51)The advent of refrigeration has dramatically reduced STOMACH cancer incidents as it 
has revolutionized food preservation 

52)hrt not considered a therapeutic option for?prevention of cardiovascular diseases 

55)mortality in emergency abdominal aneurysm repair >50% 

56)irreversible enzymes in glycolysis.....1hexokinase,pyruvate kinase,phosphofructokinase 

57)in drug design concern is for3 increasing frequency of drug and target interaction 
58)Ridley Jopling Leprosy classification based on CLINICAL BACTERIOLOGICAL 


60)Complete cartilage ring seen in Cricoid cartilage 
61)earliest cx of ileostomy---- necrosis 

62)eggs size 100micron wid malabsorption.. al except-- --- opisthorcis viverini 

63)Chronic alcohol pt with 2 days h/o free alcohol Presented with seizure Diazepam 

64)stain used for fungus?silver methanamine 

65)in a surgery being done for intracranial space occupying lesion, which one is 

66)A 7 yrs old child wd a few spots of blood in stools. Diagnosis?Juvenile polyp 

67)opioid kappa dysphoria 

68)acute infectious hepatitis 

69)phemphigus- direct immunofluroscence 

70)in von gierke ketone will be synthesised bcs of al except fat mobilisation low 

71)embryonal hb- zeta epsilon 

72)Infant can breath simultaneously because ?High larynx 

73)normally after lying down wt occurs like increase in cerebral flow/immediate in venous 

74)girl with OPC poisoning .. false is atropine reverses muscle weakness 

75)legionela transmitd by aerosol air cnditn 

76)oral ulcer genital ulcer- behcet disease 

77)painless ulcer in labia majora with everted margins- ? syphillis 

78)RT PCR used for DNA Amplification 

79)Child with croup, well hydrated, feeding well, consolable. T/t is Single dose 

80)cigratte smoker having left scrotal swelling afp and ldh negative dx RCC 

81)osteoblastic metastasis prostate 

82)rhabdomyosarcoma marker? desmin 

83)not a risk factor for rhegmat rd?hyperopia 

84)Coronary care unit and cancer care facility to be established at the district level hospital 

85)silvery papules on penis wrist n forearm n children... scabies 

86)most vascular tumor of brain spinal cord Hemangioblastoma 

87)SLE Like except - Penicillin 


89)most common complication in baby <1kg? ROP 

90)orbit involvemnt in ?b cell lymphoma 

91)FISH used for known genetic loci 

92)thumb sign epiglottitis 

93)Old woman on alendronate for 7 years develops pain in hip nd thigh IOC - Xray 

94)Iron deficiency anemia A/E REDUCED TIBC 

95)All are done to prevent maternal to fetal transmission of HIV except-Vaginal delivery 

96)Lesion on T3 dermatome-Diagnosis is VZV 

97)The following enzymes dont participate in Oxygenation Reduction reaction-

98)Social pathology denotes-Change in ds pattern due to change in lifestyle 

99)ocular Mx - Breast 

100)answer for one Q was Petrositis - retro orbital pain,Facial palsy 

101)there was a Q about Bell palsy Except - Urgent Sx decompression 

102)asymptomatic child with delta wave short PR interval which drug not to be given-beta 

103)child with mental retardation , seizures and angiomylipoma in kidney diagnosis is a) 
tuberous sclerosis 

104)Regarding Myopic degeneration which of the following is True 

-Myopic degeneration can lead to retinal detachment 

105)Floor of 3 ventricle not formed - 3rd cranial nerve 

106)Which is not included in 3rd stage labour to prevent PPH-Immediate cutting n cord 

107)Most important functuon of MHC is1)Antigen presenting 

108)A 60 year old male with history of Diabetes complained of gradual diminution of vision 
over 2-3 days followed by sudden loss of vision. which of the following will be the most 
important investigation in this scenario ? Serum Creatinine levels 

109)Anti Craving Acamprostate 

110)cyanosis does occur - critical con of reduced hb 

111)Alternate to Valproate in Juv Myoclonic Ep.Levatiracetam 

112)most serious complication of pelvic fracture-hypovolemic shock 

113)which is the anaesthetic of choice for hypotension during surgery for aortic stenosis? 


114)fick s law ? Passive Only 

115)fmale wid fever,smthng,red spot on applying bp cuff-n.meningitis 

116)Ovulation....aftrr folical stimulayion 

117)8 yr boy,buly n rigid muscle,creat. kinase decreases wid age-dystrophin gene 

118)gynaecomastia z a/w?cushng z a/w smal cel! 

119)Discharge from synaptic vesicle is prevented by....preventing flow of ca+2 to the nerve 


121)Ocriplasmin is a recombinant protease - VITREOMACULAR ADHESION 

122)Retinoblastoma - Strabismus 

123)alzheimer's disease - Temporal & Parietal 

124)which is not seen in actue pyelonephritis-hypoechoic 

125)B/L Babinsky - Thalamic Hmg 

126)no of health goals in MDG ? 3 

127)N.gonorrhoea---- gram negative coccoid 

128)anorectal ring is formed by all except internal anal sphincter 

129)BOTH cgn and rf for sore throat pt 

130)The most common MODY type is HNF1 alpha. 

131)pulseless after Antibiotic - chest compression 

132)which organ cant use ketone bodies 

133)neonatal sepsis not caused by agalactae 

134)wechsler intelligence scale scoring Avg IQ - 90 

135)not calcify PHPV 

136)asha dont receive renumeration for birth weight measurement 

137)Psychosocial,Criminal Psychology,Psychodevelopmental some Q 

138)Burns in children assessed by lund and browser 

139)Pigmentatory changes between posterior pole and equator (misspelled as equation in 
paper), [salt and paper retinopathy] are seen in all of following except ? D. Fundus 

140)An ophthalmologist working in district hospital is likely to perform following surgical 
procedure most commonly ? Bilateral Lamellar Tarsus Rotation or phaco?? 

141)Seat Belt - abdominal aorta or Mesentry 

142)tracheobronchial tree... ?? 

143)which is given sc terbutline 

144)Hypothermia Can Be beneficial to patient 

145)for appointing at subcentre level, 3 yr trainining has been proposed by wic commite? 

146)Rx of choice for intractable seizure?? 

147)following microinjection healing occirs by? 

148)a pt.has renal failure and bone pain.serum M spike.35% plasma cell.diagnosis-multiple 
myeloma/Plasma cell Leukemia 

149)In sentinel lymph node biopsy for carcinoma breast, nerve commonly injured 

150)LBBB by all except ashman syndrome

151)not true about methyl alcohol poisoning- a)effects are due to formic acid except fomepizole 
competitively inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase 

152)The prevalence of a disease in a group of 100 people is 80 percent. What is the 95 percent 
confidence interval 

153)meningococcal meningitis endemic >10 

154)Deworming ?? 

155)vaccine for meningococcal meningitis should be given to lab worker 

156)intrauterine respiration in fetus except RDS 

157)dose of vitamin A in post partum woman-3,00,000 i u within 1 mnth f giving birth 

158)Human Poverty Index 

159)CLL - Rx not needed in Asymp pt 

160)Supra condyar fracture true is 

a. distal segment is mostly displaced anteriorly 

b. cubitus valgus is more common than cubital varus 

c. injury causes weakness of elbow flexion 

d. nerve injury related manifestations are transitory 

161)which is not developmental delay-moving up n downstars 2 n half yr 

162)Neck node has SCC on biopsy. No primary found. AJCC staging is T0N2aM0 

163)Homogenous opacity in right lung wit obscured right cardiac silhouette. which part of lung is 
involved?A. Medial seg of RML 

164)tee for detecting mural thrombi in left ventricle apex 

165)INFECTIVITY OF DS,ALL TRUE EXCEPT-measles 3 days after rash 

166)which is the major metabolite of progesterone-Pregnendiol 

167)mech of insulin resistance in liver disease ?? Steatosis 

168)Ritonavir inhibits except ?? 

169)vasopressin antagonist act on medullary ct 

170)Mild ptosis. Emg myopathic pattern..ach antibody neg - Ocular MG 

171)ACL-a pt after sorts injury ...laxity on full extension and not in 90 degree ?? 

172)micropuncture of cell memb with a occurs by-linear movement of proteins 

173)childhood blindness estimation from blind schools - over estimation 


viral nucleic acid detection in intraocular fluid 

175)Which of the following type of hip dislocation is characterised by,internal rotation of limb, 
limb shortening and restriction of abduction ?Posterior 

176)Nephrotic syndrome steroid toxicity DOC Levamisole?? 

177)Neonate in icu seizure first line of investigation Sonology/MRI 

178)ESR in TB 

179)lesions in liver and kidney with contract enhancement, patient with seizures - Tuberous Scl 

180)Benign breast sign....Stroma?? 

181)Patient complains of ear discharge from post canal wall , TM normal, no hearing loss 

chronic otitis externa 

182)Rickets - When bone specific alkaline phosphatase is normal 


184)Surgical alteration or suturing of gunshot wounds creates problems - Kennedy phenomenon. 

185)Duncan's placental separation-a)peripheral separation,b)maternal surface presents at 
vulva,c)blood b/w placenta and uterus, 

186)Lithium to be stopped?days before surgery 

187)suicide enzyme== 5Lox, COX, thomboxane synthase, ??? 

188)in hiv infn all affected except ant cingulate cortex/caudate nucleus/globus pallidus/lower 
white matter 

189)The mollusc shell is a biogenic composite biomineralisation 

190)not a test for mal absorption d - xylose 13--- tech??? 

191)bone anchored hearing aids 

192)out of sight out of mind is sensorimotor stage 

193)Father of Oto neurology 

194)2yr child with burns all over face and scalp and thigh-45% 

195)Priapism is caused by poison of-Spanish fly 

196)klyver Lucy syn nt seen is seizures 

197)shelf life of suxamethonium:2 yr 

198)if a chromosome divides in an axis perpendicular to its usual axis of division it is going to form isochromosome 

199)crumpled tissue paper appearance of cells is seen in Glucocerebrocide 

200)policy related to mental health

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